Post Covid
Recovering from Covid-19 can be a big challenge.
After recovering from COVID-19, Pallas Clinic offers various treatment options to support your recovery and overall well-being.
Two potential options that are sometimes considered are vitamin infusions and ozone therapy. Let's discuss each of them:
Vitamin infusions
Vitamin infusions involve the administration of high doses of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream.
This bypasses the digestive system, allowing for better absorption and potentially higher concentrations of these nutrients in the body. The goal is to replenish nutrient levels and support the immune system and overall health.
In the context of COVID-19 recovery, vitamin infusions may be used to address nutritional deficiencies or to support the immune system during the healing process.
Ozone therapy
Ozone therapy involves the administration of ozone gas to the body through various methods, such as intravenous infusion, rectal insufflation, or local application. Proponents of ozone therapy claim that it can boost the immune system, increase oxygen delivery, and have antimicrobial effects.
Before the procedure, you need to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific situation.
Chia sẻ
Vai varu nodot analīzes bez ārsta nosūtījuma?
Jā, bet pirms došanās uz laboratoriju nepieciešams noskaidrot, kādus tieši izmeklējumus vēlaties veikt, un jārēķinās, ka visi izmeklējumi būs par maksu. Ārsta nosūtījums ir obligāts tikai tad, ja analīzes apmaksā Nacionālais Veselības Dienests (NVD) vai apdrošināšanas kompānija.
Oncology panel
Infūzijas panelis
Hematoloģija | ||
3640 | Pilna asins aina (klīniskā asins aina, leikocītu formula, EGĀ) | |
5102 | Vitamīns B1 | |
3813 | Folskābe | |
Elektrolīti | ||
3651 | Magnijs Mg | |
6018 | Cinks Zn | |
Marķieri | ||
5504 | PSA-Prostatas specifiskais antigēns (tikai vīriešiem) |
Ozona terapijas panelis
Hematoloģija | ||
3640 | Pilnīga asins aina (CBC, leikocītu skaits, EAH) | |
Koagulopātija | ||
3747 | APTL aktivizēts daļējs tromboplastīna laiks | |
0000 | INR | |
3738 | Fibrinogēns | |
3648 | Asiņošanas laiks | |
Glikozes regulēšana | ||
3749 | Glikēts hemoglobīns (HbA1c) |