العلاج بالخلايا المستحثة بالخلايا الذاتية (CIK)
Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells have, as a key feature, a double T-cell and NK cell-like phenotype
This unique combination of T-cell and NK-cell capabilities exerts a potent and widely MHC -unrestricted anti-tumour cytotoxicity against a broad range of cancer cells.
How does Cytokine-induced killer cells affect cancer cells?
- During this immunotherapy, the NK cells are stimulated in the laboratory with the biologically active molecules (cytokines) and such stimulation triggers multiplication and activation of NK cells. Cytokine induced killer (CIK) cells have, as a key feature, a double T-cell and NK (Natural killer) cell-like phenotype. This unique combination of T-cell and NK-cell capabilities exerts a potent and widely MHC-unrestricted anti-tumour cytotoxicity against a broad range of cancer cells. What this means is that unlike other immune cells (e.g. T-Lymphocyte) which can only kill infected and malignant cells that have ‘red flags’ (such as MHC and antibodies) on them. CIK has the ability to identify and kill infected and cancer cells with or without these ‘red flags’. This factor potentiates a quick and an unbiased response of the immune system.
- CIKs alone or in combination with other therapies (dendritic cells, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, therapy of biological targets, etc.), have proven to be safe and efficient in clinical practice.
- CIK cells displayed a high cytotoxic potential against a broad range of varying tumour entities. CIK cell treatment has been proven to completely remit tumour burden, prolong survival durations and improve quality of life even in advanced disease stages.
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