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Rehabilitation after chemotherapy

Rehabilitation after chemotherapy with infusions is an important aspect of cancer treatment to help patients recover and regain their strength and overall well-being.

The specific rehabilitation program will vary depending on the individual's condition, the type of cancer, the extent of treatment, and the presence of any underlying health issues:

  • Consult Your Oncologist: Always consult your oncologist before taking any vitamins or supplements during or after chemotherapy. Some supplements can interfere with treatment or have adverse effects.
  • Do not use any supplements for nails, hair or anything what stimulates cells growth 
  • Focus on a well-balanced, nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This can help your body recover and regain strength.
  • Stay well-hydrated, as chemotherapy can be dehydrating. Water is often the best choice, but consult your healthcare team for specific recommendations.
  • Vitamin D: Some cancer patients may have low vitamin D levels. Your doctor can assess your levels and recommend supplements if necessary.
  • Iron and Anemia: Chemotherapy can lead to anemia (low red blood cell count). If advised by your doctor, iron supplements may be beneficial.
  • Antioxidants: High-dose antioxidants like vitamin C. 
  • Probiotics: Some people find that probiotics help with gastrointestinal side effects of chemotherapy, but consult your doctor before using them.

Remember, every patient's situation is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Always discuss any supplements or vitamins with your oncologist to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your individual circumstances. Your healthcare team will tailor recommendations to your specific needs.


It is crucial to consult with Pallas Clinic healthcare professionals, who can tailor a rehabilitation plan to meet your specific needs.


Before undergoing infusion therapy, it's important to ask your doctor or healthcare provider several questions to ensure that you are well-prepared and that the procedure goes smoothly.

Here are some questions you might consider asking:

  • What specific medication or solution will be used in the infusion?
  • How long will the infusion session take?
  • Are there any special instructions I need to follow before the infusion?
  • Should I eat or drink anything before the procedure?
  • What are the potential side effects or risks associated with this therapy?
  • Could you explain the process of the infusion to me?
  • How can I contact medical staff if I have questions or issues during or after the infusion?
  • Do I have any known medications or allergies that could affect this procedure?
  • Could this therapy interact with any other medications I'm currently taking?
  • What symptoms or side effects should I report after the infusion?
  • How often will I need to receive this therapy?
  • Are there any tests I need to have before or after the infusion?
  • What are the expected benefits of this infusion therapy?
  • Are there any dietary or activity restrictions I should follow before or after the infusion?
  • How will I know if the infusion therapy is working for me?
  • Is there any additional information or resources you can provide to help me understand this therapy better?

These questions can help you gain a clearer understanding of the infusion therapy, its purpose, and what to expect.


Open communication with your healthcare provider is key to ensuring that you have a safe and effective treatment experience.

Infusion Panel

Here is the information on the blood analysis that will be done before the visit, based on your needs and lifestyle.

EGL code Analysis panels
3640 Complete blood count (clinical blood count, leukocyte formula, EAG)
5102 Vitamin B1
3813 Folic acid
3651 Magnesium Mg
6018 Zinc Zn
5504 PSA-Prostate Specific Antigen (only for men)
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Time: 45 minute session
Results: 1 day

During my battle with terminal liver cancer at Pallas Clinic, I made a conscious decision to enhance my immune response, with a significant emphasis on boosting glutathione levels. I spared no effort in augmenting glutathione, and the results were remarkably successful. Despite medical professionals deeming my cancer as "hopeless," it vanished within a short period, two years ago. My approach was entirely metabolic, relying on infusions and nutrients. I firmly believe that prioritizing the increase of glutathione played a pivotal role in overcoming one of the most formidable types of cancer. To this day, I continue to receive glutathione infusions weekly, along with various other supplements aimed at supporting and preserving glutathione levels. While my experience has led me to advocate for glutathione supplementation, I acknowledge that opinions on this matter vary among individuals.

Olivia (breast cancer)

Facing triple negative breast cancer was daunting, but discovering peptide vaccine therapy brought hope. Unlike traditional treatments, it boosts the immune system to target cancer cells directly. Despite challenges, each session empowered me, highlighting the strength within. While the road ahead remains uncertain, I'm grateful for innovative treatments and hopeful for the future.


I had surgery to remove my tumor, and after that, I had 12 glutathione drips because my G6pd was low from stress. My levels improved, so now I can get Vitamin C drips. I'm taking glutathione again for a heavy metal cleanse. I think it's helping me because my tumor hasn't grown for 11 months. I'll get new tests soon to check how I'm doing.