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Post Covid

Recovering from Covid-19 can be a big challenge.

After recovering from COVID-19, Pallas Clinic offers various treatment options to support your recovery and overall well-being.

Two potential options that are sometimes considered are vitamin infusions and ozone therapy. Let's discuss each of them:

Vitamin infusions

Vitamin infusions involve the administration of high doses of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream.

This bypasses the digestive system, allowing for better absorption and potentially higher concentrations of these nutrients in the body. The goal is to replenish nutrient levels and support the immune system and overall health.

In the context of COVID-19 recovery, vitamin infusions may be used to address nutritional deficiencies or to support the immune system during the healing process.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy involves the administration of ozone gas to the body through various methods, such as intravenous infusion, rectal insufflation, or local application. Proponents of ozone therapy claim that it can boost the immune system, increase oxygen delivery, and have antimicrobial effects.


Before the procedure, you need to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific situation.


Before undergoing infusion therapy, it's important to ask your doctor or healthcare provider several questions to ensure that you are well-prepared and that the procedure goes smoothly.

Here are some questions you might consider asking:

  • What specific medication or solution will be used in the infusion?
  • How long will the infusion session take?
  • Are there any special instructions I need to follow before the infusion?
  • Should I eat or drink anything before the procedure?
  • What are the potential side effects or risks associated with this therapy?
  • Could you explain the process of the infusion to me?
  • How can I contact medical staff if I have questions or issues during or after the infusion?
  • Do I have any known medications or allergies that could affect this procedure?
  • Could this therapy interact with any other medications I'm currently taking?
  • What symptoms or side effects should I report after the infusion?
  • How often will I need to receive this therapy?
  • Are there any tests I need to have before or after the infusion?
  • What are the expected benefits of this infusion therapy?
  • Are there any dietary or activity restrictions I should follow before or after the infusion?
  • How will I know if the infusion therapy is working for me?
  • Is there any additional information or resources you can provide to help me understand this therapy better?

These questions can help you gain a clearer understanding of the infusion therapy, its purpose, and what to expect.


Open communication with your healthcare provider is key to ensuring that you have a safe and effective treatment experience.

Rehabilitation panel
Here is the information on the blood analysis that will be done before the visit, based on your needs and lifestyle.

Infūzijas panelis

3640 Pilna asins aina (klīniskā asins aina, leikocītu formula, EGĀ)
5102 Vitamīns B1
3813 Folskābe
3651 Magnijs Mg
6018 Cinks Zn
5504 PSA-Prostatas specifiskais antigēns (tikai vīriešiem)

Ozona terapijas panelis

3640 Pilnīga asins aina (CBC, leikocītu skaits, EAH)
3747 APTL aktivizēts daļējs tromboplastīna laiks
0000 INR
3738 Fibrinogēns
3648 Asiņošanas laiks
Glikozes regulēšana
3749 Glikēts hemoglobīns (HbA1c)
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Time: 45 minute session
Results: 1 day
March 2025

After giving birth, my hair started falling out a lot. No matter what I tried, nothing worked, so I started searching for more effective treatments and came across a clinic that offers hair mesotherapy. I decided to give it a try—what did I have to lose? I was pleasantly surprised when my hair began to grow back quickly and thickening. The hairstylists even started calling me "lioness." Special thanks for the vitamin C—it boosted my immunity. In the past 7 months, I've only been sick once, and I recovered in just 3 days.

February 2025

Dnes byl můj poslední den léčby a mé pocity jsou velmi smíšené. Na jednu stranu jsem neuvěřitelně šťastný, že jsem se úplně zotavil a mohu žít naplno, aniž bych neustále myslel na svůj zdravotní stav. Na druhou stranu je těžké se rozloučit s klinikou Pallas. Tak moc jsem si zvykl na toto místo, na lidi… a především na osobu, která mi doslova pomohla znovu se postavit na nohy. Výsledky jsou vidět nejen na mém vzhledu, ale také na tom, jak se pohybuji. Tato cesta byla o mnohem více než jen o uzdravení. Byla o disciplíně, osobním růstu, odolnosti a nově objevené lásce k životu—a k sobě samému. Jsem hluboce vděčný za vaši oddanost, podporu a moudré rady. Je opravdu těžké říct sbohem. Ze srdce vám děkuji! Přeji vám vše nejlepší ve všem, co děláte.

October 2024

Když slyšíte slovo "rakovina," je to skoro, jako byste slyšeli konec života. Ale když jsem potkal Dr. Intu Jaunalksne, bylo to, jako bych viděl rytíře v zářivé zbroji. Ujistila mě, že to není konec života, a naplánovala léčbu pomocí cytokinových zabijáckých buněk. Zjistil jsem, že cytokinové zabijácké buňky cílí na rakovinné buňky přesně a útočí jen na to, co je třeba, a na nic víc. Když jsem dostal zprávu, že jsem bez rakoviny, moje žena a já jsme tančili radostí a vděčností. Mám 2 vnoučata. Pokud jde o mě, Dr. Inta Jaunalksne mi prodloužila život, abych je mohl sledovat, jak rostou. Víte, co bych řekl chlapům? Odložte svou pýchu stranou. Nechte si vyšetřit prostatu. Může vám to zachránit život.