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Vaginal ozone therapy

Vaginal ozone therapy is a natural treatment that involves the introduction of medical-grade ozone (O₃) gas into the vaginal canal in controlled amounts. This therapy is gaining attention for its ability to address a variety of gynecological conditions due to ozone’s antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and regenerative properties.

One of the primary uses of vaginal ozone therapy is in treating chronic vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections (Candida), and other bacterial or fungal imbalances. Its strong antimicrobial effects help eliminate harmful pathogens without disrupting the natural vaginal flora. Additionally, it can assist in managing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) by reducing inflammation and controlling infections within the reproductive organs.

Vaginal ozone therapy is also used as a supportive treatment for cervical dysplasia and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections. By improving tissue oxygenation and immune response, it may help reduce abnormal cervical cells and lower viral loads. For postmenopausal women experiencing vaginal dryness or atrophy due to hormonal changes, ozone therapy can improve blood flow, stimulate tissue regeneration, and restore overall vaginal health.

In the context of fertility, ozone therapy may optimize the vaginal environment and improve endometrial health, making it a useful adjunct to fertility treatments. It also promotes faster healing after gynecological procedures, such as biopsies or surgeries, by reducing inflammation and supporting tissue repair. Furthermore, it is sometimes used to help combat sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like trichomoniasis and chlamydia by enhancing the immune response and controlling pathogens.

The benefits of vaginal ozone therapy are numerous. Its antimicrobial effects help fight infections without the side effects of antibiotics or antifungals, while its anti-inflammatory properties alleviate swelling and discomfort. By improving blood circulation and oxygenation, it stimulates tissue regeneration and healing. The therapy also helps restore the natural vaginal pH, preventing the overgrowth of harmful microorganisms. As a non-invasive and painless procedure, vaginal ozone therapy offers a gentle alternative to conventional treatments, reducing the need for long-term medication and minimizing the risk of resistance to antibiotics or antifungal drugs.


When starting a course of therapy, a doctor's consultation is required.


Before undergoing infusion therapy, it's important to ask your doctor or healthcare provider several questions to ensure that you are well-prepared and that the procedure goes smoothly.

Here are some questions you might consider asking:

  • What specific medication or solution will be used in the infusion?
  • How long will the infusion session take?
  • Are there any special instructions I need to follow before the infusion?
  • Should I eat or drink anything before the procedure?
  • What are the potential side effects or risks associated with this therapy?
  • Could you explain the process of the infusion to me?
  • How can I contact medical staff if I have questions or issues during or after the infusion?
  • Do I have any known medications or allergies that could affect this procedure?
  • Could this therapy interact with any other medications I'm currently taking?
  • What symptoms or side effects should I report after the infusion?
  • How often will I need to receive this therapy?
  • Are there any tests I need to have before or after the infusion?
  • What are the expected benefits of this infusion therapy?
  • Are there any dietary or activity restrictions I should follow before or after the infusion?
  • How will I know if the infusion therapy is working for me?
  • Is there any additional information or resources you can provide to help me understand this therapy better?

These questions can help you gain a clearer understanding of the infusion therapy, its purpose, and what to expect.


Open communication with your healthcare provider is key to ensuring that you have a safe and effective treatment experience.

Ozone panel
Here is an outline of the blood tests you will need prior to your visit based on your needs and lifestyle.
EGL code Analysis Panels
3640 Complete blood count (clinical blood count, leukocyte formula, EAG)
3747 APTL-Activated partial thromboplastin time
0000 INR
3738 Fibrinogen
3648 Bleeding time
Glucose regulation
3749 Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
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Time: 45 minute session
Results: 1 day
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