Vitamin B17 infusion
9/13/2023What you need to know?
Vitamin B17, also known as amygdalin or Laetrile, is a substance that has been studied as an alternative treatment for cancer. Laetrile has been used as an anti cancer agent since the 1800’s. However, its efficacy and safety in treating cancer are highly debated and controversial within the medical and scientific communities.
Proponents of using vitamin B17 for cancer treatment claim that it can release cyanide specifically within cancer cells, thus selectively killing them while leaving healthy cells unaffected. This idea is based on the belief that cancer cells contain higher levels of the enzyme beta-glucosidase, which can release cyanide from amygdalin. Cyanide is a potent toxin that can be harmful or even fatal in high doses. Where is some opinions cyanide is targeted to cancer cells.
At the moment B17 is actively researched and some positive results shows Amygdalin is a natural anti-cancer agent, which can be used for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. It promotes apoptosis via the intrinsic cell death pathway (the mitochondria-initiated pathway) and cell cycle arrest at G/M. The potency of amygdalin in HepG2 treatment increased significantly by the addition of zinc.
Before you start any treatment, especially B17, please contact your doctor about recommended dose.